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Ijen Plateau | Hazard Zone
worship as disaster control
Gunung Ijen
Gunung Bromo | Yadnya Kasada
A small comunity of Tengger Hindus live at the foot of Gunung Bromo. The Yadnya Kasada festival is the main festival of the Tenggerese people and lasts about a month. On the 14th day in the month of Kasade (a Tengger Tribe's calnder) during full moon, the Tenggerese make the journey to Mount Bromo to make offerings of rice, fruits, vegetables, flowers and livestock to the mountain gods by throwing them into the volcano's caldera. The origin of the festival lies in the 15th century. The ancient ritual is compulsory for the Tengger Tribe as a symbol of worship and being grateful to Sang Hyang Widhi (God). According to the Javanese people who still hold on to their ‘kejawen’ principles – kejawen is an ancient Javanese belief –, the mountains are sacred areas where their God and the soul of their ancestors reside. The Tengger Tribe shares the same ancestors with the Javanese, and they believe that Mount Bromo is the supreme symbol of the Sang Hyang Widhi’s throne. The Tengger people believe that the Yadnya Kasada ritual will keep them safe from catastrophe and give them prosperity with abundant farm animals and harvests.
Miners carry a goats head for burial in the crater as part of an annual offering ceremony on the Ijen volcano on December 17. The ritual is performed by the sulfur miners of Gunung Ijen who slaughter a goat and then bury the head in the crater. The sacrifice is performed to ward off potential disasters for the next year.
Eruption of Gunung Kelut
ethnic groups
Maduresen(ca.30-50%), Tengger (sub-ethnic of Javanese), Osing (sub-ethnic of Javanese)
Legends of Janger or Damarwulan are performed in Banyuwangi as Wayang Orang and Wayan Kulit
Book: Forgotten People: Poverty, Risk and Social Security in Indonesia: The Case of Madurese
Banyuwangi Regency | heterogene district
Bondowoso Regency | homogene district
[...] Gewalt zwischen Dayaks und maduresischen Transmigranten und Migranten in Kalimantan das bekannteste Beispiel migrationsbezogener Gewalt. 2001 fand der letzte Gewaltausbruch in Zentral-Kalimantan statt und Hunderte, wenn nicht Tausende maduresische Migranten wurden getötet. Die Regierung sah sich zur Evakuierung von weiteren Tausenden nach Java und Madura gezwungen. Obwohl Transmigration eine Rolle in den Auseinandersetzungen in Kalimantan spielte, gab es auch andere Faktoren, die nicht direkt mit dem Transmigrationsprogramm in Verbindung standen, wie zum Beispiel lokale Politik, ethnische Spannungen und Streitigkeiten um natürliche Ressourcen.
Die Umsiedlung von Javanern und Maduresen auf andere Inseln ist nicht die einzige Form der Transmigration, die Konflikte verursachte. [...]
Maduresische Transmigration nach Kalimantan
Weitere bewaffnete Konflikte gab es wegen der Zwangsumsiedlung von muslimischen Javanern, auf Inseln wie die Molukken und Westneuguinea mit christlichen Ethnien. Aufgrund der geringen Erträge des neu gerodeten Regenwaldbodens kehren viel Transmigrasi-Umsiedler hochverschuldet in ihre Heimat zurück.
Distribution of Madurese People in Java by District,%20Suku%20Bangsa,%20Agama%20dan%20Bahasa_281211.pdf
In 1978 a miner claimed that he had had a dream-vision message to sacrifice a goat and bury the goat’s head in sulphur crater to get salvation and blessing. Since then every December, miners held a ritual of sacrifice.
In the past 40 years, 74 miners have died after being overpowered by fumes that can suddenly swirl from fissures in the rock.
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai